Are you going back home-home-sports hall? No problem. This adidas canvas bag is perfect for long days when you need to have spare clothes. It even has an extra compartment that separates your shoes from your other business to keep the very clean.
The specially developed McDavid Stealth Cleat 3+ one to fit into a football shoe for football or rugby, brings a high level of protection facing twists and risks of sprains. Easily putting your foot into thekly, adjust your support using straps to recreate an ankle strap in 8. Ultra-fine and light, the TYK MCDAVID STEALTH CLEAT replaces with comfort and efficiency a traditional ankle strap for football or rugby.
The exercise ball is suitable for fitness, yoga and physiotherapy. All kinds of exercises are possible, including to result in the stability and strength of the trunk. Can also be used as an alternative to the office chair, for better posture and stronger muscles. A leaflet containing several examples of exercises is included with the balloon.
Nike's Ultimate Fitness Gloves are men's fitness gloves. These gloves offer optimal adhesion through padding in the palm. In addition, these fitness gloves are breathable, equipped with a net and an adjustable velcro closure.
The Nike Fundamental speed rope is flexible and has a durable design. The length of the cable is adjustable (length about 274cm) and can be used by everyone.